Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just Sitting Here...

It's so beautiful today, yet I'm here in my pj's.  Jocelyn hasn't been feeling well and is taking a nap and we have been lounging basically all day.  I think some fresh air will be good for her (and me), so I will take her to the park when she gets up.  I'm feeling awfully lazy though.  Ick!

The transfer is just two day's away and I am so excited!  My bum is so sore from the Progesterone shots, even more than the last transfer.  Oh well, it's worth it to help M & M complete their beautiful family!

OH!  I heard the best news today that one of my best friends is expecting a little one herself...I'm so excited!!!  It's her first...but I know she will appreciate the whole process of pregnancy because she's awesome like that and very in tune with her body.  YAY & CONGRATULATIONS love!!!!!  

Okay guys....I better get off here and go get dressed so we can go play at the park....

Have a beautiful day and loves!

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