Monday, October 25, 2010

A FedEx Box itty bit graphic but not too bad!

Today I received the hormones that I will be taking both orally and by patch during the mock cycle.  The mock cycle is where the fertility doctors have you take the hormones at the start of your menstrual cycle and at the end they do an ultrasound to check the lining of your uterus for thickness.  At that time, they also do a mock transfer.  This is where they pretend to transfer an embryo into your uterus to make sure it goes smoothly.

I am getting very excited and maybe a little bit nervous.  It's getting closer and closer.  Gah!  I have now told my parents about the surrogacy and they are both very supportive, something I am very grateful for.  My close friends also know and are also on the support wagon.  After I finish this post, I plan on posting my blog to my Facebook as an informal announcement.  I am very lucky lady to be able to do such an amazing thing and to have so many people holding my hand while I do it.  To my support, I say THANK YOU!!! 

I wish I had more to write about at this time, but I don't.  Sorry!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Long Journey to the Beginning

Today I went to the Oregon Reproductive Medicine office and met with S, who is what I assume to be a case worker regarding surrogacy.  She cleared up the air on the process for me by giving me an approximate time line.  As far as the embryo actually being planted, it won't be until early to mid-January. 

I'll have more to say on the whole process later.  Right now I have to get to work! 



Monday, October 18, 2010

My Announcement to the Formal World

Over the past 8-9 years, I have encountered many people, both friends and strangers who have had or are having a hard time conceiving a child.  Some of them have overcome this with the assistance of medical intervention or divine intervention, I will leave that to you to decide.  One of these couples in particular, I'll call them C & S for privacy purposes, were and are great friends of mine, and in 2002, I swore my womb to them if they ever needed it. 

Obviously, many years have passed and we live in different cities.  C has undergone a surgical procedure in hopes that it will increase the chances of her becoming pregnant (fingers crossed!)  I, on the other hand, am not getting any younger and inspired by C & S, have decided to carry another couples child.  We'll call them M & M, for privacy of course, and because it's fun! 

M & M are also a couple that I have encountered that are unable to conceive the conventional way.  They do have a child that M carried, but she was on bed rest the entire pregnancy (which lasted only 29 weeks) and she almost bleed to death when giving birth.  M has a blood disorder and the risks of her carrying another baby are too high, and that's where I come in.  They already have embryo's frozen at the fertility clinic and the doctor said that they all look fantastic.  With that, they will only be inserting one of the embryo's into my womb, which really cuts down the chance of multiples (yay!)

There is much to be considered when becoming a surrogate and the process is more than tedious.  I have gone through back ground checks, social worker home checks, psych evaluations, as well as physical examinations.  My fiance has also been subjected to these same evaluations.  There are lawyer's and contracts galore involved, as there should be with such a delicate issue.

M & M are amazing people and I am very lucky to be able to assist them in such an amazing way.  I am very excited about this and I look forward to sharing my journey with you.  In the future these blogs may become more graphic or personal, but I will caution you before you proceed to read them.  Thank you for allowing me to share.  Much love and many blessings!